What If Kids Ran the World and Adults Had to Follow Their Rules?

Imagine this: every office desk comes equipped with a juice box holder, meetings start with a mandatory recess break, and bedtime is only for grown-ups. Now picture a 7-year-old CEO strolling into a boardroom in a dinosaur onesie, slamming a packet of gummy bears on the table, and saying, “Alright, let’s talk LEGOs and world peace.”

If kids ran the world, things would be…different. Chaotic, sure, but maybe better in some ways. Let’s dive into this sugar-fueled fantasy and see what life might look like under the rule of tiny tyrants.

Rule #1: Candy as Currency

First order of business? Say goodbye to dollars, Bitcoin, and all that boring adult stuff. Candy becomes the new currency. You’d pay your rent in Skittles, your Netflix subscription in Sour Patch Kids, and taxes? Chocolate coins—obviously.

Picture Congress (or let’s be real, a decked-out treehouse) passionately debating whether lollipops or gummy worms are worth more. And when it comes to asking for a raise, imagine negotiating in Reese’s Cups. The HR department would have its hands full ensuring fair “sweet-tooth compensation.”

Rule #2: Screen Time Is Unlimited

Screen time restrictions? Out the window. In a kid-run world, marathon gaming sessions and TikTok challenges would not just be allowed—they’d be celebrated. Fortnite would qualify as a national sport, and emojis would probably become an official language at the United Nations.

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World leaders would settle debates through GIF exchanges. Imagine a heated negotiation breaking into laughter over a perfectly timed cat meme. Would diplomacy improve? Maybe. Would your dad navigating a Roblox server or your mom attempting a TikTok dance be hilarious? Absolutely.

Rule #3: Nap Time for Adults

If kids ran the world, adults would finally appreciate the sacredness of nap time. Offices would have nap pods with fuzzy blankets and lullaby playlists. Pulling an all-nighter at work? Grounds for a timeout. And “working overtime” would mean a bonus nap.

Seriously, why did we ever outgrow naps? As kids, we fought them; as adults, we dream of them. Honestly, trading my coffee budget for a daily nap schedule sounds like a winning deal.

Rule #4: No Vegetables Allowed

Broccoli? Contraband. Kale smoothies? Banished. In this candy-coated utopia, pizza, chicken nuggets, and ice cream reign supreme.

Picture a Michelin-starred restaurant catering to this world. The tasting menu includes macaroni and cheese, plain spaghetti (hold the green stuff), and ketchup served in a champagne glass. Nutritionists would probably stage protests, but hey—happiness over health, right?

Rule #5: Homework for Parents

Fair’s fair. If kids are running the world, adults will be the ones doing homework. Imagine being handed assignments like, “Write a five-paragraph essay on why dinosaurs are cooler than dragons,” or “Create a glitter-glue masterpiece about Ancient Egypt.”

Dinner table conversations would get a lot more entertaining:
Kid: “Mom, did you finish your spelling homework?”
Mom: “No, sweetie, I’m stuck on ‘pterodactyl.’ WHY does it start with a ‘P’?!”

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Rule #6: Creativity Over Conformity

Kids don’t see the world the same way adults do. They’d turn the mundane into magic. Staircases would be replaced with slides, office chairs with swings, and meetings with brainstorming sessions in blanket forts.

Instead of boring spreadsheets, problem-solving would involve finger-painting and building LEGO models. Sure, taxes might not get filed on time, but who cares when cities look like theme parks?

Rule #7: Diplomacy on the Playground

Forget formal negotiations. In this world, international conflicts would be resolved through games of tag, rock-paper-scissors, or maybe a water balloon fight. Imagine an argument between countries that ends with someone shouting, “Not fair! No do-overs!”

Honestly, we could all learn from kids’ ability to forgive and move on. Sometimes a heartfelt “Sorry” or a “Pretty please with a cherry on top” can go a long way.

The Downside: Chaos, Obviously

Let’s not sugarcoat it (pun intended)—this world would have its fair share of issues. Productivity might plummet if every major meeting gets postponed because it’s “Pajama Day.” Energy crises could arise with PlayStations running 24/7, and the global bedtime argument (“Five more minutes!”) would probably never end.

But is that any worse than some of the problems we deal with now? Debatable.

A Surprisingly Hopeful Vision

Despite the chaos, there’s something refreshing about a world run by kids. They don’t overthink things, they’re unfiltered and honest, and they know how to have fun. They’d prioritize fairness, creativity, and joy—all things adults could use more of.

And let’s face it: kids wouldn’t spend decades debating climate change. They’d just plant a zillion trees, power ice cream trucks with solar energy, and call it a day.

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Final Thoughts

If kids ruled the world, life would be messy, unpredictable, and hilarious. Adults might struggle to keep up with all the juice boxes, glitter glue, and impromptu recess breaks. But maybe that’s exactly what we need—a reminder to loosen up, embrace creativity, and focus on what really matters.

So, next time you’re stressing over work, consider this: What would your inner child do? (Probably grab a juice box and take a nap.)